Please ensure that you have completed all your GVMS related actions prior to arriving at the port for your journey before 23:59pm GMT on 15 May 2021 as it will not be possible to make amendments or updates to Goods Movement References (GMR) during this downtime.
HMRC has also contacted carriers who may be impacted to inform them of the period of downtime
These necessary improvements to GVMS will ensure accurate information is captured early in the GMR creation process and that it matches information held in HMG systems. As an example, when adding Transit Accompanying Document (TAD) Movement Reference numbers (MRN’s) for Common Transit Convention (CTC) movements.
When the improvements are made you will see error messages if you enter incorrect information and you will receive clear advice on how to rectify any issues.
It’s important that you have all relevant references ready when completing a “Get a Goods Movement Reference”. Please refer to the table below to confirm the reference types you must enter to create a valid GMR in GVMS.
Movement Type: EU>GB
Required Action:
Note: At the moment, you only require a GMR for an EU>GB journey if you are moving goods under the Common Transit Convention (CTC).
You only need to enter your Transit Accompanying Document (TAD) MRNs into a GMR for this journey. A TAD MRN is an 18-digit alpha numeric reference for example – 21GBCMAM33DOI2 which can be found on the top right of your Transit Accompanying Document. This declaration is obtained from the New Computerised Transit System when a CTC movement is created.
You should not enter any other types of reference into the ‘Transit declaration’ field of the GMR.
If you are not moving CTC goods you do not need to create a GMR for EU>GB movements.
You are not required to complete ENS MRN Safety and Security for EU>GB imports until January 2022.
Movement Type: GB>EU
Required Action:
You are not required to complete GMRs for GB>EU exports until January 2022.
You are not required to complete EXS MRN for Safety and Security GB>EU exports until 1st Oct 2021.
Movement Type: GB>NI
- Required Action:
These are the movement types and references that must be entered into a GMR:
CTC Movements – TAD MRN and Safety and Security ENS MRN - Imports – CDS MRN (For every declaration processed, CDS or TSS will issue a unique MRN. This is automatically generated for all import and export declarations, including pre-lodged declarations submitted to CDS) and Safety and Security ENS MRN
- EIDR (EORI) + ENS MRN (This is an 18-digit Alpha numeric number and can be issued by TSS or be the traders EORI if they are authorised)
- ATA Carnet + Safety and Security ENS MRN (if travelling under a contract of carriage, enter Carnet reference number)
- TIR Carnet (enter TIR carnet reference number and Safety and Security ENS MRN)
- Empties + Safety and Security ENS MRN if travelling under a contract of carriage
Movement Type: NI>GB
Required Action:
- CTC Movements – TAD MRN
- Exports (in limited circumstances from 17th May) – CDS DUCR and Safety and Security EXS MRN
- ATA Carnet (enter Carnet reference number)
- TIR Carnet (enter TIR carnet reference number)
For Common Transit Convention (CTC) movements please ensure the Office of Departure processes, including any control actions, are completed and that your movement has been released before you enter any detail into the Goods Movement Reference (GMR).
If you enter a TAD MRN for a movement that has not been released, GVMS could invalidate the transit declaration for the movement. The trader would need to submit a new transit declaration to re-start the transit movement before the goods could be moved to the UK. This would need to be done at an Office of Departure or Authorised Consignor