On 31 January 2024, the following significant procedural changes will occur in relation to EU imports from the Republic of Ireland via GB West Coast ports:
– Customs; the introduction of full customs controls for EU goods that enter Great Britain via West Coast ports on routes directly from Republic of Ireland ports
– SPS; IPAFFS pre-notification requirements for EU Sanitary and Phytosanitary goods that enter Great Britain via West Coast ports will be introduced
You can find information from HMRC about the introduction of full import controls and the new requirement for a Goods Movement Reference (GMR) on all imports moving directly from ROI ports into GB, on this link . Additional information from HMRC is likely to come in the New Year and will be published here as well once received.
Information about IPAFFS pre-notification requirements can be found in the UK Border Target Operating Model here.
Please ensure that you and your customers are familiar with these new requirements prior to 31 January 2024. Further Customs and SPS procedural changes will be introduced during 2024 as set out in the Border Target Operating Model.