From the 31 January 2025, Safety &Security GB ENS will be required on imports into GB from the EU.
Organise your Stena Line North Sea route S&S GB ENS here
Organise all other route S&S GB ENS with CustomsLink

Cutover arrangements for movements ‘In-Flight’ at end of transition – Stena Line Irish Sea services

Information in respect of the exceptional processes that will apply at the end of the transition period for goods that started their journeys before 23.00 GMT on 31 December 2020 but sailed after 23.00 (i.e. ‘in-flight’ movements).This is specifically for shipments of Union Goods that start their journeys from an export premises before 23.00 GMT on 31 December 2020 and are then carried on sailings to or from the United Kingdom after this time. These arrangements do not apply to Non-Union Goods. Movements under CTC Transit arrangements must still complete transit procedures.