A Safety & Security declaration will be required for units arriving into GB from the EU starting from 00:00 hours on 31 January 2025.
Organise your Stena Line North Sea route S&S GB ENS here
Organise all other route S&S GB ENS with CustomsLink
Yes – products of animal origin refers to goods derived from animals, such as meat, game and poultry, dairy products and eggs. This includes sausages derived from beef, pork, poultry etc.
The UK government is in negotiations with the EU about GB-NI movements. Once these negotiations are complete and a clear process for GB-NI has been defined we will communicate this with businesses. The current information on ‘Moving goods under the Northern Ireland Protocol’ is available on gov.uk https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/moving-goods-under-the-northern-ireland-protocol
No – the requirement for a phytosanitary certificate/pre-notification applies to plants and plant products only (e.g. plants for planting, some cut flowers, some seeds).
Imports of timber and timber products from the EU will be subject to separate requirements. Imports of timber will need to undergo new due diligence checks to ensure the goods have not been illegally harvested as set out in the UK Timber Regulation. This represents a change from current regulations, whereby timber and timber products that have been placed on the EU internal market do not require due diligence checks when imported to GB.
The importing operator (i.e. the person placing the timber or timber products on the market for the first time) must exercise due diligence to ensure the goods have not been illegally harvested. This consists of gathering supply chain information on the timber from the EU exporter, assessing the risk of the timber having been illegally harvested and mitigating any identified risk accordingly. This will need to be undertaken before the timber can be placed on the GB market.
EU goods moving EU/ROI-GB-EU/ROI.
It also covers goods moving EU-GB-NI, EU-GB-ROI-NI and EU-GB-NI-ROI.
Live animals:
” Pre-notification, health certificate entry and exit at any GB port with no physical or ID checks required on entry or exit. National rules will need to be complied with for consignments transiting GB, currently this only applies to EM treatment (tapeworm) for the commercial movement of dogs. Confirmation that the consignment has left GB territory will be required. Live animals transiting the landbridge are required to follow Welfare in Transport Regulations. With the exception of poultry and registered horses, all live animals will need both a UK and EU journey log, as well as Transporter Authorisation issued from APHA. Maximum permitted journey time, which varies by species and life stage, may mean that a consignment of animals will need to be rested for 24 hours. There are approved control posts where animals can be unloaded. ”
Germinal products:
” Pre-notification, health certificate, entry and exit at any GB port with no physical or ID checks required on entry or exit. Confirmation that the consignment has left GB territory will be required. ”
High risk ABP only – (Category 1 and 2 material and Category 3 Processed Animal Protein)
” Pre-notification ABP commercial document, entry and exit at any GB port with no physical or ID checks required on entry or exit. Confirmation that the consignment has left GB territory will be required. ”
Low risk ABP
” No specific requirements, can travel with commercial document only. No notification, entry and exit at any GB port with no physical or ID checks required on entry or exit. ”
Regulated plants and plant products
” No specific requirements, can travel with signed declaration only. No notification, entry and exit via any GB port with no physical or ID checks required on entry or exit. ”
POAO (not subject to safeguard measures)
” No specific requirements, can travel with commercial document only. No notification, entry and exit at any GB port with no physical or ID checks required on entry or exit. ”
POAO (subject to safeguard measures)
” Pre-notification, health certificate, entry and exit at any GB port with no physical or ID checks required on entry or exit. Confirmation that the consignment has left GB territory will be required. ”
EU goods moving EU/ROI-GB-EU/ROI.
It also covers goods moving EU-GB-NI, EU-GB-ROI-NI and EU-GB-NI-ROI
POAO (not subject to safeguard measures)
” Pre-notification, health certificate, entry and exit at any GB port with no physical or ID checks required on entry or exit. Confirmation that the consignment has left GB territory will be required. The requirements for live animals, ABP, germinal products and plants set out above will remain unchanged in April 2021 until July 2021. ”
All others
Further guidance from July 2021 onwards for all commodities will follow.
With regards leather this would depend on the product being exported.
For treated hides and skins there are requirements for imports of such products to the EU under the animal by-products and derived products not intended for human consumption (ABP) Regulations (EU) 142/2011. An export health certificate will be required for treated hides and skins of ungulates and importers should contact their competent authority (equivalent of Defra) of the Member State of final destination with regards importing treated hides and skins from other species.
If the leather has been made into other products such as shoes, coats, handbags etc then those products are no longer deemed to be ABP and must be exported under any conditions laid down for such products.
Details have been published in the business guidance online: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/moving-goods-under-the-northern-ireland-protocol/moving-goods-under-the-northern-ireland-protocol-section-two-moving-goods-from-great-britain-to-northern-ireland
To import CITES-listed specimens of endangered animal or plant species, checks of CITES permits will be required at the border. At the end of the transition period, CITES specimens will only be able to enter the UK via specific designated points of entry. The UK will continue to comply with the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES). From 1 January 2021, checks of CITES permits will be required at the border to import CITES-listed specimens of endangered animal or plant species.
A list of CITES-designated PoEs is available online. https://www.gov.uk/guidance/trading-cites-listed-specimens-through-uk-ports-and-airports-from-1-january-2021
Details have been published in the business guidance online: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/moving-goods-under-the-northern-ireland-protocol/moving-goods-under-the-northern-ireland-protocol-section-two-moving-goods-from-great-britain-to-northern-ireland
On the Irish Sea the haulier submits the ENS into the Government system. The Movement Reference Number is put into the envelope system with the Customs Declaration reference.
In the UK it depends on the model (Destin8 for temporary storage or for pre-lodgement it goes to UK government system)
You can’t leave without ENS (Entry Summary Declaration (Import safety and security) registered through the system. But you can leave UK before the Import Customs Declaration is lodged.
On the Irish Sea going into Dublin it will be via Revenue.ie. Same for GB ports running pre-lodgement.
Holyhead = outside the terminal further inland
Fishguard = outside the terminal further inland (possibly Camarthen)
Dublin is in the Port, but not in the Terminal
Rosslare will be at Kilrane
Yes the UK Border Force and the Gardai in Republic of Ireland.
Belfast will be pre-lodgement. But it will also need Temporary Storage approvals due to EU Customs Code.
Yes it will. Any route that is Pre-lodgement will need to add the Envelope references. Export to ROI will need UK Export Envelope Reference and ROI Import Reference.
There will a screen within the booking dialogue. The haulier has to add this before the vehicle gets to the port.
They will remain as advertised.
Under pre-lodgement the information will need to be completed before the vehicle arrives to check in. The booking has to have the two references (for ROI one reference) prior to check in.
Yes. UK Border Force.
Yes, in addition to specific intelligence led checks there will be random.
Irish Sea pre-lodgement. We are not looking for MRNs. We are looking for Goods Movement Reference(GMR) and Pre-Board Notification (PBN) – Irish and UK import/export references needed.
EDI = the now defunct Electronic Data Interface, which does not exist anymore. We now use eConnect.
Not as Stena Line. Our sister company Stena Customs Service offers this service. Read more here www.stenacustomsservice.com.
Are you transporting goods to the Scandinavian countries we recommend you to contact our Scandinavian Customs Service. Read more here www.stenalinefreight.com/our-services/cust